• The DIY Aquaponics System: 6 Plans for Bringing Fish and Plants Together to Grow Food

    Updated: 2012-09-28 18:10:10
    Putting fish and plants together in a closed loop (that's organic by necessity) strikes me as a brilliant use of biomimicry... or, at least the notion that "waste equals food" in the natural world. But can a backyard tinkerer put together an aquaponics system on the cheap?

  • “A Cartography of The Anthropocene”

    Updated: 2012-09-28 15:12:06
    So, might you ask, what is the Anthropocene? First, the etymology. The Ancient Greek [anthropos] means “human being” while [kainos] means “new, current.” The Anthropocene would thus be best defined as the new human-dominated period of the Earth’s history. The term was proposed in 2000 by Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel Prize in 1995 for his [...]

  • As population, interest in outdoor recreation grow, more pressure likely for northern forests

    Updated: 2012-09-28 15:06:02
    Below is a story posted recently on the website of Phys.Org, a leading web-based science, research and technology news service which covers physics, earth science, medicine, nanotechnology, electronics, space, biology and other topics. Phys.org’s readership includes  1.75 million scientists, researchers, and engineers. As population, interest in outdoor recreation grow, more pressure likely for northern forests [...]

  • Oxfam Warns Climate Change And Extreme Weather Will Cause Food Prices To Soar

    Updated: 2012-09-27 22:00:32
    : TRENDING Global Warming Arctic Coal Climate Change Deniers Carbon Emissions ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa 46 Republicans Who Claim Wind PTC Is Costly' Voted To Retain Oil Tax Credits Global Oil Major Calls Arctic Offshore Drilling A Potential Disaster' Analysis : Carbon Tax Could Reduce Deficit By 1.2 Trillion In 10 Years Oxfam Warns Climate Change And Extreme Weather Will Cause Food Prices To Soar By Joe Romm on Sep 27, 2012 at 5:00 pm A report from Oxfam warns that global warming and extreme weather will combine to create devastating food price shocks in the coming . decades Oxfam had previously warned that corn or maize would see a 177 rise in price by 2030 due to climate change and other factors see 

  • A Dark Day for Okotoks: Canadian Town Removes Population Cap

    Updated: 2012-09-27 14:15:33
    In a deflating sign of the times, the Canadian town of Okotoks has just lifted a 30,000 resident population cap which had been in place for the past 14 years. Partial background is provided below; with a recent news stories following. Obviously, the population cap policy was originally grounded in a great deal of thought, [...]

  • The Internet: Apparently it’s a Big Deal.

    Updated: 2012-09-27 02:17:30
    A new report has found that one-third of the world's population is now online. Read more...

  • Five Top US Schools for Sustainability Education

    Updated: 2012-09-27 01:53:38
    Want to study sustainability? Environmentally-themed majors are popping up at colleges and universities around the US; these five schools, though, are among the top tier for sustainability studies.

  • Sept. 27 News: USGS Finds Evidence Of Fracking Contamination In Wyoming, Backing Up EPA Findings

    Updated: 2012-09-27 01:02:41
    . : , : TRENDING Global Warming Arctic Coal Climate Change Deniers Carbon Emissions ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa 46 Republicans Who Claim Wind PTC Is Costly' Voted To Retain Oil Tax Credits Global Oil Major Calls Arctic Offshore Drilling A Potential Disaster' Analysis : Carbon Tax Could Reduce Deficit By 1.2 Trillion In 10 Years Sept . 27 News : USGS Finds Evidence Of Fracking Contamination In Wyoming , Backing Up EPA Findings By Stephen Lacey on Sep 27, 2012 at 8:02 am A retest of water in Pavillion , Wyoming , found evidence of many of the same gases and compounds the Environmental Protection Agency used to link contamination there to hydraulic fracturing , the first finding of that kind . Bloomberg One topic

  • After Warmest 12-Months On Record, U.S. Poised To See Warmest Year Ever In 2012

    Updated: 2012-09-26 22:49:14
    , . : TRENDING Global Warming Arctic Coal Climate Change Deniers Carbon Emissions ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa 46 Republicans Who Claim Wind PTC Is Costly' Voted To Retain Oil Tax Credits Global Oil Major Calls Arctic Offshore Drilling A Potential Disaster' Analysis : Carbon Tax Could Reduce Deficit By 1.2 Trillion In 10 Years After Warmest 12-Months On Record , U.S . Poised To See Warmest Year Ever In 2012 By Joe Romm on Sep 26, 2012 at 5:49 pm NOAA’s  National Climatic Data Center reports today that this January to August is the warmest year-to-date on record for the contiguous United States . As Climate Central shows in this chart , the U.S . will easily beat the previous record warm year , 1998 unless

  • Interactive Quiz: How Many Climate Denialists Could You Fight Off?

    Updated: 2012-09-26 20:00:09
    : : TRENDING Global Warming Arctic Coal Climate Change Deniers Carbon Emissions ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa 46 Republicans Who Claim Wind PTC Is Costly' Voted To Retain Oil Tax Credits Global Oil Major Calls Arctic Offshore Drilling A Potential Disaster' Analysis : Carbon Tax Could Reduce Deficit By 1.2 Trillion In 10 Years Interactive Quiz : How Many Climate Denialists Could You Fight Off By Climate Guest Blogger on Sep 26, 2012 at 3:00 pm Click on the image below to begin an interactive quiz created by Franke James an artist who blends visual storytelling and science to inspire people to take action Click Start Quiz” at the bottom of the post upon continuation : Tags Climate Change Deniers Previous in TP

  • Come Hangout with Us and Discuss Food Waste

    Updated: 2012-09-26 18:54:12
    How do we decrease the amount of food waste we create? How can we make better use of the food that doesn't get eaten? What opportunities are we missing along the supply chain? Sounds like good topics for a discussion... so let's discuss.

  • World Contraception Day

    Updated: 2012-09-26 15:04:53
    Today, September 26th, is World Contraception Day. Started in 2007 by the European Society for Contraception and Reproductive Health, this annual campaign strives to improve awareness of all contraceptive methods — to enable young people around the world to make informed decisions on their sexual and reproductive health. This year’s theme is ‘Your Future. Your [...]

  • 3 iPhone Apps For Indoor Gardening

    Updated: 2012-09-26 01:35:39
    Don't have yard space for a garden? You can still grow your own vegetables and flowers indoors, and these three iPhone apps can help.

  • How to Build a Simple Solar Concentrator: SolarFlower Tutorials Now Online

    Updated: 2012-09-25 14:56:26
    Want to build a Solarflower, the open source solar concentrator we featured a little over a year ago? Now you can: designer Daniel Connel has published tutorials for simple, cheap solar collector.

  • Wangari Maathai Remembered

    Updated: 2012-09-25 14:26:46
    The following story came to PMC from Glendora Meikle, who holds a M.A. in Media & International Conflict from the University College, Dublin. Wangari Maathai Remembered (4/1/1940 – 9/25/2011) One year ago, Kenyan environmentalist Wangari Maathai passed away in Nairobi, after undergoing treatment for cancer. Professor Maathai was the 2004 recipient of the Nobel Peace [...]

  • Why is Everyone Leaving Detroit?

    Updated: 2012-09-24 22:20:01
    Detroit's population continues to decline, as the US economy and birth rate continues to fall. Read more...

  • Family Planning, Birth Control And The Raging Controversy

    Updated: 2012-09-24 15:23:31
    The following story was published on the website of the Nigerian newspaper, THISDAY. THISDAY claims to be the preferred newspaper among the business, political and diplomatic elite of Nigeria, appealing to both young and old because of its straightforward news reporting, strong editorial content, lifestyle features and business coverage. Family Planning, Birth Control And The [...]

  • NYCLU Study Shows Gaps, Inaccuracies and Bias in NY Sex Ed Instruction

    Updated: 2012-09-24 15:20:23
    A recent report by the NYCLU, based on a study of 82 public school districts, has concluded that New York State students generally get sex-ed instruction that is inaccurate, incomplete and biased. “Our study shows that the lack of binding statewide sex-ed standards is compromising the health and well-being of our young people,” NYCLU Executive [...]

  • Sex and Birthcontrol

    Updated: 2012-09-24 15:15:47
    This article is written by Philip D. Harvey, president of DKT International, an international family planning organization. Sex and Birthcontrol See: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philip-d-harvey/sex-and-birth-control_b_1859308.html Melinda Gates drew some nervous laughter at a recent TED-x presentation by bringing up the subject of sex in a discussion on contraception. She deserves our applause for doing so because, as clearly [...]

  • Latest “Ecological Footprint” Methodology Paper

    Updated: 2012-09-24 15:11:37
    Below is an announcement recently made by the Global Footprint Network; their latest paper on the methodology for the Ecological Footprint calculation has been accepted into an ecological journal titled Ecological Indicators. A direct link to the full PDF is included. Much of the report explains algorithm design, but the results section states that “According [...]

  • Community Gardens Provide More than Food in DC

    Updated: 2012-09-24 15:01:14
    What's the main purpose of a community garden or other urban agriculture installation? Providing fresh food... often to neighborhoods without other outlets for it. Right? Yes... but community gardens are special places that do much more than provide space for growing food. Often, stronger connections between members of the community that garden serves grow along with the plants. Cintia Cabib's film A Community of Gardeners explores that dynamic in Washington, D.C.

  • Can Solar-Powered Sailing Ships Open Up Ocean-Based Commerce?

    Updated: 2012-09-21 16:11:28
    Lower-tech forms of shipping could open up whole worlds of economic opportunity... and with marginal environmental impact, if done right. The creators of the Greenheart Project are trying to accomplish those goals with the development of a simply-designed, solar and sail-powered ship created specifically for use by some of the world's poorest people.

  • No-extinction targets are destined to fail

    Updated: 2012-09-21 04:04:04
    I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while, and now finally I have been given the opportunity to put my ideas ‘down on paper’ (seems like a bit of an old-fashioned expression these days). Now this post might strike some as overly parochial because it concerns the state in which I live, but [...]

  • Green Classroom Retrofit Creates Learning Lab for Students & School District

    Updated: 2012-09-20 17:43:29
    What gets measured gets managed, right? This longstanding business maxim gets thrown around a lot in green circles: data's a necessary element of making the case that sustainability makes sense. At Orange County, California's Davis Magnet School (which focuses on math, science, and technology), measurement's already present in the curriculum; now, it's also a part of the school's efforts to determine if efficiency retrofits make sense for the district's bottom line and the students' performance.

  • St. Louis’ Sustainable Fashion Designers Share Influences and Hopes for Runway Debut

    Updated: 2012-09-19 22:48:27
    I caught up with two of St. Louis’ most talented sustainable designers, Katie Kantley and Genny Cortinovis, on the eve of their Eco-Centric: A Green Fashion Show runway debut to find out what inspired their collections, why ‘slow fashion’ matters to them, and more.

  • The Cleveland… Bears?

    Updated: 2012-09-19 14:41:09
    This month, a young black bear was found in a tree outside an apartment building in Cleveland. While it makes for interesting headlines on the small scale, the competing interests of humans and animals on the global scale could spell doom for wild creatures.

  • A Return to Lagos

    Updated: 2012-09-18 22:50:12
    An editorial from Nigeria - what do those in a country with an "exploding population" think? Read more...

  • The Falklands: An underutilised paradise?

    Updated: 2012-09-16 00:05:12
    Are the Falklands being used to their best advantage? In a recession, they could be an underutilised paradise with their jobs, white sandy beaches, wildlife, mountain ranges – and lack of people. The census shows that the islands have a less than 1% unemployment rate, and the average annual income of $32,213 is much higher than Argentina's $9,620 as of last year, or that of any of the Falklands' other Latin American neighbours. However, census released this month show the small population of 2,563 to have been static since 2006. Read more...

  • The Challenge Against Immigration

    Updated: 2012-09-14 05:38:18
    While immigration may make up for low birth rates, not everyone is happy about it in the UK. Read more...

  • Cartoon guide to biodiversity loss XVI

    Updated: 2012-09-12 01:30:08
    While in transit between tropical and temperate Australia, here’s the latest batch of 6 biodiversity cartoons (see full stock of previous ‘Cartoon guide to biodiversity loss’ compendia here). – Filed under: biodiversity, cartoon, climate change, conservation, economics, environmental policy, logging Tagged: biodiversity, biodiversity cartoons, carbon, cartoons, climate change, deforestation, ecosystem services, environment, extinction, greenwashing

  • United Nations addresses falling Asian fertility and sex imbalance

    Updated: 2012-09-10 07:14:05
    Even the United Nations, with its dire statistics about the number of babies overpopulating the earth, is now becoming worried about falling fertility rates and gender imbalance in Asia. The head of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) called for countries to urgently tackle population concerns with “foresight and justice” at the Asian Population Association conference held late last month. The question will be just what the well recognised virtue, ‘justice’, means in practice. Read more...

  • Native invaders divide loyalties

    Updated: 2012-09-07 04:23:31
    As if to mimic the weirder and weirder weather human-caused climate disruption is cooking up for us, related science stories seem to come in floods and droughts. Yes, research trends become fashionable too (imagine a science fashion show? – but I digress…). Only yesterday, the ABC published an opinion piece on the controversies surrounding which [...]

  • We’re all heading to…Switzerland!

    Updated: 2012-09-04 22:41:35
    Switzerland - another country mainly relying on immigration to fuel population growth. Read more...

  • The climate of climate change

    Updated: 2012-09-03 21:30:50
    The primary scientific literature on climate change spawns hundreds of debates on an array of topics. When the technical debate among experts, and the obvious uncertainties, are taken up by the media, they are typically treated as any other topic, which ends up in some people not trusting science and others exploiting the ‘debate’ for [...]

  • Letter From Nigeria

    Updated: 2012-09-03 00:48:02
    A letter to the editor in Nigeria concerning population, birth control and Western condescension. Read more...

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